How to Spot Addiction in Your Child

teen in Massachusetts addicted to drugs

Parenting can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. While it is filled with joys, there are also times when parents have to face difficult situations, such as spotting addiction in their children. Unfortunately, addiction among young people is becoming more common, making it even harder for parents to identify the signs of substance abuse or other forms of addictive behavior. This article will provide tips on how to spot the signs of addiction in your child and what actions you should take if you suspect they may be struggling with an addiction. It will also discuss different types of addictions that can manifest in youth and ways to get help for those affected by them.

The most important thing to look out for if you suspect your child may be struggling with an addiction is a change in behaviors and attitude. If your child is exhibiting sudden changes in mood or behavior, such as becoming more secretive or withdrawn, this could indicate the start of an addiction. Other warning signs include changes in sleep patterns, a lack of interest in activities they used to enjoy, poor grades at school, and a decrease in self-care habits. It’s also important to pay attention to any noticeable changes in physical appearance, including weight loss/gain and skin problems.

Additionally, it’s important to recognize that different types of addictions can manifest differently depending on the individual. For example, those addicted to alcohol may display signs of physical withdrawal such as sweating, nausea, and trembling. They may also struggle with anxiety or depression and experience shifts in their energy levels. Additionally, they may have difficulty controlling their actions when intoxicated and have difficulty setting boundaries for themselves when it comes to drinking. Furthermore, those addicted to drugs may appear anxious or paranoid, experience sudden changes in mood or behavior, or become withdrawn from family and friends. They may also suffer from a decrease in cognitive abilities and an increase cravings for the substance in question.

It is essential for parents to be aware of these signs and any sudden changes in behavior that could indicate addiction so that they are able to act quickly to get help for their child if necessary. Parents should also be aware of the dangers associated with addiction. Studies have shown that children who use substances at a young age are more likely to develop mental health issues such as depression or anxiety later in life as well as increased risk of overdose or addiction-related illnesses down the line.


What to do if you do see some of these signs of addiction?

The best thing parents can do if they suspect their child is becoming addicted to something is to take action immediately by seeking professional help from an addiction specialist. There are several treatment options available for those struggling with addiction, including therapy, medication-assisted treatment programs, support groups, and residential treatment facilities. Finding the right program for your child will depend on the type of addiction being faced as well as other factors like age and level of severity. It is important for parents to remember that no matter how difficult it may seem, there is hope for recovery from all forms of addiction with the right approach and help from professionals.

At Mayflower Recovery, our team specializes in the medically-assisted detoxification process for alcohol and drug addictions. Once a patient has successfully detoxified, we continue their care in our short term residential treatment center. We also provide intervention services for families that may be looking for a neutral third party to assist with that crucial step for many. Our professional interventionists can help you be sure that the intervention process goes as smoothly as possible and that your son or daughter gets into a detox or rehab center near you.


In conclusion, parenting can be a rewarding and challenging experience. It is important for parents to be aware of the signs of addiction in their children so that they are able to take the necessary steps to get them the help they need if needed. It is also essential to remember that there is hope for recovery from all forms of addiction with the right approach and appropriate treatment options available. Ultimately, providing your child with a safe and supportive environment will greatly increase their chances of successful recovery in the long run.


Call our team at Mayflower if you would like to learn a more about how to spot the signs of drug or alcohol addiction in your child. We’re here to help.






1. “Warning Signs Of Addiction In Teens & Young Adults” (2020). The Recovery Village.

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