Morphine Detox in MA

Morphine Detox in MA | Mayflower Detox in Wilmington, MA | ATS for Morphine

Morphine is a habit-forming drug that can lead to addiction! Medically-monitored detox in a controlled environment holds the key to recovery.

Morphine is a narcotic and pain reliever, and it assists with managing severe pain. It is a legal prescription medication derived from the opium flower that can be administered intravenously and is available in tablets and liquid form. 

Morphine, however, is no different from most opioid narcotics. Even when used exactly as prescribed, it carries the risk of making the user physically and psychologically dependent on the drug after prolonged use.

Over time, the brain’s reward system becomes less responsive to the drug leading to tolerance. At times, withdrawal symptoms from morphine can be so adverse that users with morphine addiction can revert to it within a few hours. 

One of the fundamental ways to overcome morphine addiction is by going through a morphine medical detox program. 

That’s where we step in At Mayflower Morphine Detox in MA. 

It is our responsibility to thoroughly assess each patient’s situation and provide a treatment strategy that is specifically tailored to their needs and desired outcomes. 

Addiction to morphine in Massachusetts has been a major contributor to the global opioid crisis, which has resulted in a dramatic increase in drug-related mortality. Currently, more than 15 million people suffer from opiate addiction worldwide.

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Morphine Abuse in MA

Morphine addiction rates have skyrocketed in the past two decades.

According to the CDC, almost 841,000 people died as a result of opioid overdoses between 1999 and 2019. And 70% of these deaths are linked to prescription painkillers like morphine.

As much as morphine is commonly used in hospitals for relieving pain, users get it in pharmacies under different brand names like Oramorph SR, MSIR, Roxanol, RMS, Kadian, and MS Contin. This has led to several morphine overdose deaths. There’s an opioid epidemic out there, and it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with abusing morphine, regardless of brand.

Signs and Symptoms Associated with Morphine Addiction

Using morphine without a valid prescription is considered misuse, potentially leading to addiction. Even if you’re taking prescribed morphine but exceeding the recommended dosage or frequency, addiction can still take hold. It’s important to be aware of the signs that indicate morphine abuse:

  • Continuous use of morphine despite personal consequences

  • Neglecting personal responsibilities to engage in morphine use.

  • Attempt to reduce or quit taking morphine but cannot after a short period.

  • Developing a physical tolerance to morphine. Meaning you need to take a higher dose for desired effects.

  • Users attempting to get more morphine without a prescription, for instance, by buying some from friends or relatives.

  • Experiencing several withdrawal symptoms when you abruptly stop using morphine.

  • Physical signs like dilated pupils, slurred speech, and inability to pay attention. There are some other signs, like isolation from friends and family, mood swings, and irritability.

Navigating Morphine Withdrawal

Different factors influence morphine’s withdrawal period and complexity. If someone has been using morphine daily for three years, their detox journey might be more intense compared to an individual who has used it weekly for six months. 

Biological and genetic elements also play a role in the level of morphine dependence. For example, a person with a family history of substance abuse may be more prone to such behaviours. And when someone has combined morphine with other substances, the detox process could extend significantly.

Since morphine comes with both physical and psychological addiction, there are also both physical and psychological symptoms of morphine withdrawal.

Common morphine withdrawal symptoms

Physical & psychological symptoms of morphine withdrawal

  • Chills

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Decreased appetite

  • Muscle cramps

  • Runny nose and sinus issues

  • Involuntary limb and muscle movements

  • Elevated blood pressure

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • Hallucinations

  • Restlessness

  • Seizures

  • Profound abdominal cramps

  • Anxiety and depression

The intensity of morphine withdrawal symptoms can peak within the initial five days and gradually recede over a span of two weeks. However, for some individuals, morphine withdrawal might lead to severe depression. In the absence of medical intervention, these individuals could face heightened risks of relapse, self-harm, and even suicide.

If you’ve undergone morphine withdrawal, especially if it was challenging and unsuccessful, you’re not alone. Many individuals who have experienced how difficult morphine withdrawal share similar experiences of dealing with chronic pain, muscle aches, stomach cramping, strong physical and psychological dependence, and the feeling of having a very severe flu. 

Remember, professional addiction treatment processes that require medically monitored detoxification can help you successfully detox and significantly improve your morphine detoxification experience.

Why You Need the Vitality of Medical Detox in MA

Morphine is a fast-acting drug, and withdrawal symptoms can begin as early as six hours after the last use. Withdrawal from morphine, like other opioids, occurs in two stages: early withdrawal and peak withdrawal.

Early morphine withdrawal symptoms come as

  • Cold sweats

  • Excessive yawning

  • A runny nose. 

As withdrawal symptoms peak, they can become more severe and may include 

  • High blood pressure 

  • Insomnia

  • Irritability

  • Depression

  • Tremors

  • Vomiting

  • strong cravings

  • Other mental health conditions. 

Just the physical symptoms of morphine withdrawal alone can be dangerous if a detox attempt occurs without the supervision of medical professionals.

To reduce the severity of morphine withdrawal symptoms and gain control over devastating morphine addiction, individuals should attend a medically-assisted morphine detox facility in MA. 

And Mayflower Detox is the right place to be!

Staff at our treatment facility will monitor the client’s associated symptoms and recommend the best treatment to safely rid their system of morphine.

Depending on the severity of morphine addiction and individual circumstances, doctors may recommend tapering off use rather than quitting “cold turkey.” The taper method generally produces less severe withdrawal symptoms. 

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) can also be used to ease cravings and withdrawal symptoms. This process will utilize medications like buprenorphine or naltrexone and is considered safe when used in conjunction with other therapies.

After completing the medically monitored detox treatment plan, our medical professionals will evaluate the client’s condition and determine if they are ready to be discharged. 

In most cases, clients will need therapeutic intervention to develop new coping skills and may be referred to an inpatient treatment program. 

Seeking professional morphine addiction treatment can make the difficult morphine withdrawal process more manageable and reduce the risk of relapse.

Discover Relief with Mayflower’s Morphine Detox Program in MA

Don’t go solo on your detox journey. It’s an invite to hazardous withdrawal symptoms and health complications. It’s what we do at Mayflower Medical Detox in Massachusetts! We have a team dedicated to making your transition to sobriety both seamless and comfortable.

Mayflower Detox stands as the pinnacle of New England’s rehabilitation and medical detox facilities, offering specialized care for those grappling with substance addiction. Our extensively trained practitioners deliver top-tier assistance within a cutting-edge facility.

Recognizing the importance of accessible morphine addiction control, our straightforward intake process ensures that a comprehensive detox experience is within reach for all.

Our team is resolute in shepherding you or your loved one through the morphine detox process in Massachusetts. 

Contact us today to explore how our tailored morphine detox services can provide inpatient treatment, anxiety reduction, and pain relief, paving the way towards a brighter future.

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