How to Avoid The Opioid Epidemic in Florida

The opioid epidemic continues to worsen across the United States. Over 93,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2020, a nearly 30 percent increase from 2019.

Florida has the second highest rate of opioid deaths in the nation.

It is imperative to understand that anyone who uses opioids risks developing an opioid addiction. Many factors can increase a person’s chance of opioid risk. Still, it is impossible to predict who will become dependent.

Preventing addiction is essential. Overcoming opioid addiction is a lifelong journey. Florida addiction treatment for opioids can help.

Keep reading to learn about preventing opioid addiction and the benefits of residential addiction treatment.

What Is Opioid Addiction and How It’s So Bad in Florida?

Addiction is often defined as an irresistible craving. When you start using opioids, they provide a pleasurable sensation. When you begin to feel like you can’t live without opioids, that’s a sign you’ve developed an addiction.

Addiction happens when cravings get out of control. Addiction is a compulsion. It is repeated use that can result in dangerous and harmful consequences.

How To Avoid Opioid Addiction in Florida

Opioids are highly addictive. They activate endorphins in your brain that produce pleasure. When they wear off, it’s common to want to get that feeling back.

The desire for the pleasurable sensation opioids create is the first sign of addiction. Preventing addiction is possible but requires a lot of knowledge and self-awareness.

Identify Your Risk Factors for Opioid Addiction in Florida

There are many risk factors for opioid addiction. Some are genetic, while others are psychological and environmental.

For example, women are more likely to suffer chronic pain than men. They are also more likely to get prescribed opioids to treat pain. Women also get prescribed higher doses of opioids.

All of these factors combined put women at a higher risk of opioid addiction. Other genetic risk factors include having a family history of substance abuse and being young.

Other risk factors for opioid addiction include environmental factors like poverty, unemployment, criminal activity, and regular contact with other people or environments that are high-risk.

Psychological risk factors include mental health disorders, having a history of depression and anxiety, and experiencing extreme stress.

Use Opioid Medications As Directed

Opioids are most addictive when you use them differently than how they were prescribed to you. Always take your opioid medication orally and in the exact quantity recommended.

Keep in mind that there is still a risk of opioid addiction even when using a prescribed medication correctly.

Doctors are not infallible. They have been known to over-prescribe opioid medication. Research shows that taking opioids for more than three days puts you at risk of developing an addiction.

That is why you always need to be vigilant about using the smallest possible opioid dosage, even when your doctor prescribes it.

Never Use Opioids To Treat Chronic Pain

Opioids are neither safe nor effective for treating chronic pain. Chronic pain requires long-term treatment. As we know, using opioids for more than a few days can lead to addiction.

If your doctor recommends opioids for treating your chronic pain, request an alternative treatment.

There are many less-addictive pain management meds available. There are also non-pharmacological treatments that are successful at treating chronic pain.

Keep Your Prescriptions Safe

You can prevent the spread of opioid addiction within your family and community by keeping your medications safeguarded. Lock them or hide them where no one else in your home can find them.

If you have unused opioids, dispose of them properly. Some cities have medication take-back programs. If one does not exist where you live, talk to your pharmacist to find out how to best dispose of your unused meds.

Do not flush unused medications. Flushing medications causes them to pollute municipal drinking water and the environment.

How To Get Help With Addiction

If you are already experiencing symptoms of opioid addiction, it is essential to seek addiction treatment as soon as possible. You deserve to live a happy, healthy life. Florida addiction treatment can help you get back on track.


Counseling is an essential part of addiction treatment. This is true whether you are pursuing Florida drug rehab or Florida alcohol rehab. Any kind of addiction can benefit from counseling and therapy.

Addiction is not just about physical dependence. It involves psychological support as well.

Even after you have detoxed and completed rehabilitation, you are still at high risk for relapse. This is because of the grip addiction has on your brain.

Counseling will help you navigate your psychological addiction. It addresses how to manage cravings and the stresses of life that lead you to addiction in the first place.

Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Residential addiction treatment in Florida has helped many people begin and maintain long-term addiction recovery. Completing an inpatient addiction treatment program in Florida is associated with a reduced risk of relapse.

Residential addiction treatment programs can offer these results because they take you out of the environment where your addiction began.Detox for drugs in MA | Detox for alcohol in MA | Residential drug and alcohol detox in MA | Mayflower Recovery in Wilmington, MA

Developing a positive routine is an essential aspect of addiction treatment. Residential addiction treatment programs focus on creating daily ways that keep patients involved in activities and productive counseling sessions.

In a residential addiction treatment program, you’ll learn coping mechanisms to replace self-destructive habits. Trained staff will also teach you how to create a balanced lifestyle and maintain it once you leave.

Drug and Alcohol Detox in Florida

Most addiction treatment programs begin with drug and alcohol detox. The opioid detox process differs for every individual.

But whether you require Florida drug detox or Florida alcohol detox, the ultimate goal remains the same. Every type of opioid detox focuses on getting the toxins out of your body.

Florida detox allows your body to begin its physical recovery. When you finish detoxing, you are in a much better position to focus on your psychological recovery.

Holistic Addiction Treatment

How to Avoid The Opiate Epidemic in FloridaWhy remain in Florida for addiction treatment when that’s where your struggles with opioids began? Start your recovery journey by getting away from the state with one of the country’s highest opioid epidemic death rates.

Mayflower Recovery offers one of New England’s premier detox and rehabilitation programs. At Mayflower, you’ll enjoy a warm, welcoming, and soothing environment and a state-of-the-art residential facility.

Contact Mayflower Recovery to learn more about our residential programs for Florida drug rehab and Florida alcohol rehab today.

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