How Long Inpatient Drug Rehab Treatment in MA Usually Lasts

Only 10 percent of people who struggle with substance abuse will seek treatment for their addiction. If you’re looking into drug rehab in MA, understandably, one of the questions you might have is how long will addiction treatment last?

The amount of time you spend in addiction treatment in MA will differ from facility to facility and there are also a series of factors that can affect how long you remain in treatment. Read on now.

Phases of Residential Treatment in Massachusetts

When it comes to residential addiction treatment in MA there are several phases that people go through. The first step in treatment is drug detox in MA.

The reason people undergo detox is that if your body isn’t free of all alcohol and substances it will be challenging to receive the information you’re being given throughout treatment. You also won’t be able to process the part you’ve played in your addiction without going through detox.

After detox, it’s time to do the hard work and start your treatment. No matter what form of addiction treatment in Massachusetts you decide to participate in there are several components to it. You’ll be tasked with participating in group and individual therapy sessions.

During group therapy sessions you’ll get to interact with other people that are also in treatment and going through the same things you’re experiencing. You might even find that some of the people in your group end up being key members of your support system.

During individual therapy sessions, you’ll work with a counselor to aggressively get to the bottom of your addiction and what has caused you to remain in addiction for so long. In individual therapy you’ll also learn methods you can use to cope with triggers after treatment is over.

Lastly, there’s after-care. For some people going back into an environment can be triggering so they might choose to move into a sober house. The sober house provides continued structure until you’re ready to be on your own again.

Now that you understand the different phases of treatment it’s time to dive into the factors that can change the amount of time you spend receiving treatment.

Cost Coverage for Addiction Treatment in Massachusetts

Before you head to alcohol detox in Massachusetts the first thing you need to consider is the cost of the addiction treatment. Substance abuse treatment programs can vary in cost depending on what is offered by the facility.

It’s important to speak to your insurance provider about the costs they cover as a part of your insurance plan. Most insurance providers will provide some type of coverage, but it’s for specific durations of time.

The insurance coverage and out-of-pocket costs are huge contributing factors in how long you’ll remain in treatment. If you’re not able to cover the cost of addiction treatment you’ll have to seek treatment elsewhere or work with the facility to find a way for you to pay for continued treatment.

Drug Use History

It’s a known concept that any drug and alcohol rehab in MA you seek treatment from you’re not allowed to use any substances or alcohol. Not only does it defeat the purpose of seeking treatment, but it can also cause someone else to falter in their recovery journey.

Your history with drug use and treatment will also play a key factor in how long you spend in treatment. The longer a person has been in active addiction the stronger the withdrawal symptoms are going to be.

Because of how challenging it is for some people going through detox the commitment to remain in treatment can waiver. Also, when you have a history of relapse it will be advised that you spend a longer amount of time in treatment to work on your addiction issues.

Outside Support

Is your home life secure and supportive of your recovery journey? If not your program director will advise that you either move into a sober living home or spend more time in treatment.

The reason for this is because when you return to an environment where there is no support it increases the chances that you will relapse in the future, which would undo all the hard work you’ve done in treatment.

Your treatment coordinator only has your best interest in mind and if they feel as if there’s a transition you’re going to make that would cause you to relapse they will do their best to help you redirect and move into a more positive direction.

Treatment Progress

The last determining factor in whether or not you remain in treatment longer than you’d initially thought is your treatment progression. If you’re on track and making leaps and bounds in your recovery journey you might complete treatment sooner rather than later.

However, if you find yourself stuck at a certain point in treatment and need to spend more time working through it that will extend the amount of time you spend in treatment.

You shouldn’t be focused on how much time you’re going to spend on treatment. You need to focus on learning the lessons you’re being given to ensure that when you eave treatment you have what you need to continue on your journey and remain sober.

Drug Rehab in MA: How Long Will It Last?

The bottom line is there is no definitive way to answer how long you’re going to spend in treatment because there are several factors that can alter the time you spend in a facility. From the progress you make in treatment to the outside support you have, it all can shorten or lengthen your treatment stay.

Are you ready to enter Drug Rehab in MA? Contact Mayflower Recovery today.

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