How to Find the Best Alcohol Rehab Near Me

Substance abuse disorders are mental health disorders that include drugs and alcohol. Recently, alcohol-related deaths have quickly overtaken opioid overdoses. In 2019, approximately 14 million Americans were diagnosed with alcohol use disorder. 

Unfortunately, these staggering statistics have led to approximately 95,000 annual deaths.How to Find the Best Alcohol Rehab Near Me | Mayflower Recovery and Detox in Massachusetts | ATS and CSS in MA Searching for ‘alcohol rehab near me’ can be challenging with so many options available. Before investing time and money into a program, people want to ensure they are going to the right facility. 

With substance use increasing, now has never been a better time to seek out an alcohol detox program. Luckily, we have put together a complete guide on finding an alcohol rehab center, so keep reading for more information!

Alcohol Abuse 101

Almost 18 million people abuse alcohol in the United States. Ongoing alcohol abuse can lead to chronic medical conditions. Some examples are liver disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. 

Drinking alcohol can ride a fine line between having fun with friends and getting help. So, how can someone identify when alcohol starts becoming a problem? 

  • Inability to control drinking
  • Increased tolerance
  • Problems with relationships
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Behavioral and emotional changes

Alcohol abuse has close ties with many mental health issues like depression or increased stress. Unfortunately, many individuals deny their reliance on alcohol or do not recognize the key signs of abuse. Ongoing use can permanently harm relationships, cause injury, and adversely affect a person’s quality of life. 

How Does Alcohol Affect Quality of Life?

Specific studies have looked closer at how much alcohol abuse affects a person’s quality of life. The researchers found that the average mean score was lower in the group that abused alcohol. 

They also discovered that most surveyed individuals reported low income and comorbidities. However, the only defining factor was substance abuse. Unfortunately, this shows how alcohol can also impact low socioeconomic groups. How to Find the Best Alcohol Rehab Near Me | Mayflower Recovery and Detox in Massachusetts | ATS and CSS in MAResearchers suggested that education and counseling are two measures that could be implemented.  

The Ongoing Opioid Epidemic

Like alcohol, opioids are drugs that have a high prevalence of addiction. Over time, the brain and body start developing a tolerance. This process results in a person taking more to help achieve the same feeling. 

Between 2019 and 2020, there was a 30% increase in opioid overdoses. The COVID-19 pandemic spurred increased substance abuse as more people turned to alcohol or drugs to help cope. 

Supply chain interruptions also affected illicit drug abuse. This created higher risks with synthetic drug use.

Fentanyl overdoses have steadily increased over the years. It is almost 100 times stronger than its morphine counterpart. Unfortunately, social distancing and overridden hospitals played a role.

Many people felt like they didn’t have access to care. What is the solution? 

Searching for a ‘quality rehab center near me’ might pull up many different facilities in Massachusetts. Most facilities offer drug, alcohol, and combination therapy.  

Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehab and detox facilities are 24-hour services where patients stay and sleep. It includes intensive therapy and access to physicians, therapists, and more. 

The overall cost of an inpatient program is more than outpatient, but it can help ensure a safe environment. On the contrary, outpatient centers can fluctuate on intensity, but participants do not stay overnight. They could also maintain a job in specific scenarios.

One of the first questions people may ask is whether they need inpatient or outpatient rehab? There are a few factors to consider before choosing an outpatient program, including:

  • Type of substance abuse
  • Family support
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Previous withdrawal attempts

In most cases, experts suggest a follow-up with a skilled healthcare provider before deciding. If someone has tried withdrawing before, an inpatient rehab program is likely the best choice. Additionally, if family relationships impact recovery, a stress-free environment could be a difference-maker. 

Substance abuse can include alcohol, prescription, or illicit medications. Qualified inpatient programs can help address one or more of these and any mental health illnesses associated. Outpatient facilities may have difficulty making consistent headway. 

Lack of constant supervision and home-life can cause barriers. Inpatient also offers direct access to healthcare providers and on-site services. Many find this environment more conducive to their recovery. 

Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

An inpatient rehab program can help lower alcohol relapse rates. In return, lowered rates of relapse help prevent long-term health consequences.

A study in Rwanda looked at relapse amongst young adult men. They found that those who remained at the inpatient rehab facility for three months or longer had a decreased risk of relapse. 

This study points out the benefit of the length of time in an inpatient facility. However, the type of facility and quality of services can make a big difference. In most inpatient programs, life skills are frequently taught. 

Stopping substance abuse is one area that many outpatient and inpatient programs emphasize. Prevention is the most significant barrier.

Psychotherapy techniques include strategies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness. Both of these teach patients life-long strategies. An inpatient rehab program in Massachusetts aims for individual treatments that look at the how and why.  

Step 1: Finding, ‘Alcohol Rehab Program Near Me’

How can someone find a quality alcohol rehab program in Massachusetts? Here are a few helpful questions to ask an alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility:

  • Do they have skilled physicians?
  • What resources are available?
  • Is medication-assisted treatment available?
  • What credentials do they have?
  • What is the cost?
  • Do they accept insurance?

Typically, the cost is not directly associated with care. For some people, finding a ‘rehab facility near me’ is the most critical part. Additionally, most insurances cover part of an inpatient stay for substance abuse disorders.

Check with the facility beforehand on the extent of coverage. 

Next, ask about the skilled practitioners that work at the facility and the types of treatments offered. They should answer questions about the kinds of treatments used and any special programs.

Step 2: What Is ATS Detox?

Acute Treatment Services (ATS) detox in MA is a typical beginning step for patients entering an acute rehab program. Detoxing requires close medical monitoring, including qualified staff members such as:

  • Physicians
  • Psychiatrists
  • Nurses
  • Addiction professionals

Withdrawing from opioid medications and alcohol can lead to dangerous side effects and can be deadly. Additionally, a skilled addiction treatment team can recognize the best detox methods.

Alcohol detox may be slightly different than opioid detox. In addition to monitoring withdrawals, an ATS detox facility near me can provide customized treatment plans. 

Dangers of Alcohol Withdrawal

Heavily drinking alcohol can lead to serious side effects if someone suddenly stops. Alcohol affects a person’s central nervous system (CNS) by depressing the system.

It works by reducing the transmission of messages. Over time, the CNS compensates for excessive alcohol and increases its alertness. 

Once the alcohol is removed, the CNS remains in this heightened state. This process is critical to understand better why withdrawal symptoms can turn from mild to serious within a few short days or hours. 

Typically, withdrawal symptoms from substance abuse depend on how long a person has been drinking and how much. After 12 to 72 hours, more severe side effects start showing up, including:

  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures 
  • Delirium tremens (e.g., delusions, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, fever)

In some cases, sedatives and other medications help combat delirium tremens and reduce adverse effects. A qualified facility in Massachusetts can also help provide a safe and comfortable environment. 

This is critical during the first few days of substance use withdrawals. 

What Are Delirium Tremens?

Delirium tremens affects approximately 5% of patients who withdraw from alcohol. It typically sets in within two to three days after stopping alcohol use. 

When this substance abuse suddenly stops, a person’s body generates an increased amount of glutamate. Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain.

When too much glutamate enters the brain and nervous system, a person’s body can’t react quickly enough. Some of the main symptoms of delirium tremens include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Hyperactivity
  • Stupor
  • Heavy sweating

As delirium tremens progresses, sepsis, irregular heartbeats, and death can occur. Treatment begins in an inpatient facility that can administer medication. Benzodiazepines are often the first line of medication since it helps depress someone’s nervous system. 

Other treatments could include anticonvulsants, blood pressure medication, and pain medication. Experts recommend that following immediate medical care, a patient should receive inpatient alcohol rehab.   

Step 3: What Is CSS Residential?

Clinical Stabilization Services (CSS) facilities in Massachusetts are also known as residential treatments. Typically, CSS residential programs are initiated after ATS detox. 

After the dangers of withdrawals symptoms have subsided, a patient begins treatment. Specific treatment interventions help prevent relapse.

They also tackle underlying factors for a patient’s substance abuse disorder. A CSS detox facility near me should focus on:

  • Clinical interventions
  • Research-based treatments
  • Therapeutic services

Similar to an opioid or alcohol detox program, CSS residential focuses on customizable treatment plans. It will include skilled counselors, therapists, and medical practitioners. What can someone expect from a Massachusetts CSS program?

  • Individual treatments
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy (if applicable)
  • Workshops
  • Seminars

Workshops include learning skills that help identify triggers and prevent relapse. These interventions also focus on identifying and changing cognitive thought processes.

Negative thought patterns can greatly affect rehabilitation. Lastly, seminars can include lessons on mindfulness, self-care, and general wellness. 

Step 4: Preventing Relapse

Despite inpatient rehab programs, relapses still occur. To combat this problem, researchers have found that there are four main areas for relapse prevention:

  • Therapy
  • Medication
  • Frequent monitoring
  • Peer support

Alcohol rehab in MA can help people with various therapies, including CBT. Other forms of treatment are motivational interviewing, mindfulness, and coping skills. Does this sound familiar?

Many of these proven and research-backed therapies are found near many residents in the New England region. Medication management (short and long term) could include Bupropion, naltrexone, and buprenorphine. 

Since these are prescribed medications, a physician’s script is needed. An inpatient program can assess whether medication is necessary. Lastly, an inpatient program can provide frequent monitoring and access to peer support groups. 

Therapy continues outside of a stint in inpatient rehab, and having the right tools in place can make a big difference in a person’s recovery. 

What To Expect From an Alcohol Rehab Center in MA

What can someone expect from a drug and alcohol rehab center? For starters, everyone is on a different timetable depending on the severity of abuse. 

An initial evaluation is critical in setting up a game plan that can help determine a person’s length of stay. On average, most residents remain at a Massachusetts detox facility for three to four weeks. 

During this time, it includes the ATS detox and CSS residential phases. 

The first three to ten days are primarily focused on detoxing and managing withdrawals. After the ATS phase, patients move onto CSS residential, which can last between one to two weeks. If needed, the second part of this process can last longer. 

Additionally, not all people suffering from a substance abuse disorder start at the ATS phase. If withdrawals are not severe, they may immediately begin with a residential program. In other cases, medication is not needed and treatment programs begin.  

Start Getting Help Today

Finding an alcohol rehab near me in Massachusetts doesn’t have to be challenging. Our state-of-the-art detox and rehab facility in MA appeals to many individuals residing in the New England region. 

What are the benefits?

Some of the big hitters include individualized treatments and skilled care. Patients will also have 24-hour supervision and access to therapy. Don’t wait any longer to seek out care. 

Contact us today for more information and see how our facility can help create a brighter future. 

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