Is Detoxing in FL from Drugs and Alcohol the Best Option?

The addiction rehab business in the United States is estimated to be worth $42 billion! This shows the seriousness of the problem across our country. It also shows that the rehab business brings in big money.

One of the most well-known places for treatment is the Florida addiction treatment industry. South Florida is especially popular as a treatment center destination.

Is this the best place to get treatment? Keep reading to find out the problems in Florida and why you may want to pick a different state for your treatment.

The Time to Get Help for Drugs and Alcohol

Is Detoxing in Florida from Drugs and Alcohol the Best Option?Getting to the point where you are ready to get help with your drug or alcohol recovery is a big step. Deciding to detox, get help, and start over takes a lot of courage and strength.

As people get serious about seeking help, they often want a fresh start. A quick search online will bring up many Florida drug rehab centers, as well as Florida alcohol rehab centers.

Doing your drug and alcohol rehab in Florida does sound nice. You can enjoy the weather and get the help you need. However, you need to think through your options before you pack your bags.

Staying home for treatment or finding a location nearby could be the better alternative for you in the long run.

The Build-up of Florida Addiction Treatment

Florida is home to many different industries. Most people think of the lucrative tourism industry across the state. However, one of the fastest-growing industries in Florida has been the addiction treatment industry.

Florida Drug Detox

Of course, the appeal of moving to South Florida is a strong reason rehabilitation centers are located here. People think that if they are going to detox and get clean, why not do a Florida detox where the weather is nice.

The problem is the industry grew exponentially with very little regulation. Almost anybody could open up a rehabilitation center, detox center, or sober home.

The Insurance Dollars for Addiction Treatment in FL

The industry took off in 2010 with the passage of the Affordable Care Act. This law mandated that insurance companies pay for substance-use disorders. The drug and alcohol addiction treatment industry saw the benefits.

This law also had a provision where children remain covered by their parent’s insurance until they reach age 26. This gave millions of new adults the ability to stay in a Florida alcohol detox center and have insurance pay for it.

Florida Drug Treatment Industry Size

The Florida drug industry is also growing because of the nationwide opioid epidemic. From 1999-2020, over 564,000 people died using prescription and illicit opioids.

This growth in the use of opioids and the openness of insurance companies to pay for treatment caused the industry to grow. This exponential growth was seen in Florida from 2010 on forward.

The Florida Shuffle

All of these factors gave rise to what is called the Florida Shuffle. This is what the locals and patients call the cycle that many addicts live in South Florida.

They would go from a detox center to a rehab center and then to a sober home. Then they would repeat the process over and over again. They did this because many treatment centers didn’t care if they got better.

Patients Representing Dollar Signs

Treatment centers across South Florida began to see the income potential of their patients. Patients staying at the center allowed the center to bill the insurance company.

This billing power caused many disreputable and suspicious treatment centers to open. Their goal was to make more money than it was treating the patient who needed the help.

Florida alcohol industry treatment centers and residential treatment programs sprang up across the region. As long as patients were covered with insurance, centers would make money.

Addiction Treatment Insurance Fraud in Florida

One example of rampant fraud was through the urinalysis reports each addiction treatment center required. Each of these tests was to see if the patient was staying drug-free. However, the centers saw how they could bill high rates for each test.

This made the incentive to take as many tests as possible, positive or negative. Some addiction treatment centers in Florida began to compete to get the most patients to come to take the tests.

They offered incentives like free phones, free groceries, or free rent to lure patients to their facilities. Even drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in Florida opened up their labs.

This allowed them to double charge the insurance company for the urine tests.

Body Brokering in Florida Addiction Treatment

Body brokering grew as the cash inside the rehab industry grew. This is where some addiction treatment centers in Florida pay a fee to someone if they convince a patient to come to their Florida addiction treatment center.

This brings a conflict of interest to the person recommending the Florida Addiction Treatment Center. They are not recommending the Drug and Alcohol Reha center in Florida cause it is the best for the person. They are recommending it for the payout.

Florida has made body brokering illegal, and some addiction treatment facilities were shut down because of it. However, it is a practice that is still happening today.

The Grass Isn’t Always Greener.

Going to a Florida addiction treatment center may seem like a luxurious way to detox and get treated. The reality is that natural treatment takes dedication and hard work.

You want to look for a treatment facility that cares about its patients and has a track record of solid results. The perfect facility could be in your state or a state right next to you.Is Detoxing in Florida from Drugs and Alcohol the Best Option?

Mayflower Recovery is the premier detox and residential addiction treatment center in MassachusettsContact us and learn about our Rapid Intake program because our goal is your well-being.

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