Truths About Successful Addiction Treatment in Massachusetts

Addiction is one of the most common illnesses in the US. Believe it or not, one in 10 US adults will experience substance use disorder (SUD) in their lifetimes. If you are one of them, then you may feel as if you’re out of options. However, that’s far from the case.

Fortunately, there are options available in your own backyard. Let’s talk about addiction treatment in MA and see if it’s right for you.

How to Know If You Need Addiction Treatment in Massachusetts

There are many signs and symptoms of addiction that will tell the whole story. Generally speaking, if you’re reading this because you’re concerned you may have SUD, it’s likely you do. However, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I get uncomfortable or defensive when people discuss my substance use?
  • Do I lie about my substance use or underplay it?
  • Do I feel physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms when I stop using the substance? (Anxiety, tremors, insomnia, etc.)
  • Do I keep the substance readily available whenever possible?
  • Do I feel uncomfortable when I’m not using the substance?
  • Is it scary to imagine life without this substance?

If you’ve answered yes to one or more of these questions, then chances are that you have SUD. It’s best to speak to a professional and find treatment immediately. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is to quit.

Addiction treatment is the best way to help you get back to living a normal life free of substances. If you have goals, ambitions, or people you care about in your life, then treatment and maintaining sobriety is the best way forward. Let’s talk about the different addiction treatment options in Massachusetts to choose from.

Inpatient addiction vs Outpatient Treatment Addiction Treatment

Outpatient treatment is any treatment that you receive while still living at home. This could include trips to your doctor’s office, therapy or psychiatry sessions, support groups like AA or NA, and a lot more.

Inpatient addiction treatment in Massachusetts encompasses everything any outpatient service may offer, but you live on the premises temporarily. Typically, residential addiction treatment in MA will last for 30 to 60 days.

During this time, you will receive medical, therapeutic, and support services, along with plenty of recreational activities to enjoy without the temptation of substances. During the early stages, this will also include medical detox services, which could include medication therapy and more.

Generally speaking, inpatient treatment is a lot safer during this early period. Detoxing can come with serious health complications, including seizures or death in extreme cases. That’s true regardless of the substance.

Which Addiction Treatment in Massachusetts Is Right for Me?

It doesn’t matter what type of substance you use, how long you’ve used it, or what is more convenient for your current situation. If you’re just starting the process of getting clean, inpatient treatment is the better option.

Not only does inpatient treatment cover everything that comprehensive outpatient treatment will, but you’ll also have access to around-the-clock medical services during detox. The detox stage is the most dangerous stage, so we would suggest looking for drug rehab in MA or alcohol detox in MA.

Drug and Alcohol detox is also the time when you’re most likely to relapse, so it’s best to have a controlled, substance-free environment to help get you through the most demanding part. However, you’re far from done.

If you’ve gotten through a drug and alcohol detox, with or without help, we’d suggest ongoing outpatient treatment. This can be doctor visits, therapy, and/or group sessions. Regardless, outpatient treatment is great for long-term sobriety.

Keep in mind, that even the best inpatient treatments still have relapse rates above 40 percent on average. That’s not to suggest they are ineffective, it’s just important to understand the nature of the disease and why it’s so important to find the right help.

Finding Addiction Treatment in MA

You’ve come this far, and the fact that you’re even looking into treatment options is a great step in the right direction. If you need help, there’s no time to waste. There are plenty of options for alcohol or drug detox in MA, so here’s what you need to look for.

What to Look For in an Addiction Treatment Center in Massachusetts

If you’re concerned about what type of program you’ll be committing the next month or two of your life to, that’s perfectly understandable. While this is a time-sensitive matter, feel free to browse through online services, and their reviews, verify your insurance with them and learn what to expect.

When you do this, look for a treatment that fits your needs. This may be based on the specific substance, your religious beliefs, your identity, and more. You may find a drug rehab in MA that offers specialized services for youth, LGBTQ+ people, or anything else that may help with your specific needs.

Just remember, there are always options available, so if you don’t find what you need, keep looking. The sooner you find help, the better, so don’t put it off.

Finding Treatment for a Loved One

If you’re looking for addiction services for a loved one, then good for you! They need you more than ever.

Assuming you plan to intervene, make sure you do it correctly and consider using intervention services if you’re worried. Find multiple treatment options for them and, if they protest, try to discuss options with them. They may need inpatient treatment, but outpatient treatment is still better than no treatment at all.

Get the Help You Need Today

Now that you know how to find the right addiction treatment in MA, find the right program for your needs today and get started right away. The sooner you do, the sooner you can start your path toward a better life.

Stay up to date with our latest recovery tips and feel free to contact us with any questions or to verify your insurance.

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