What Are the Best Alcohol Treatment Centers in Ohio?

Experts estimate that one in three Americans will develop a substance use disorder. Yet, many don’t receive the assistance needed for long-term recovery from addiction in Ohio. Current research shows that the earlier adults develop a substance abuse disorder, the more likely they will have multiple adverse symptoms into mid-adulthood.

Have you wondered if an Ohio addiction treatment center is right for you or a loved one who meets this criterion? Local detox and residential programs benefit travel expenses and closeness to loved ones. Yet, what if we told you that the best detox centers might require a bit more travel but could lead to long-term gains?

In our complete guide, we will address what to look for in a center, why detox facilities are essential, and how you can enroll in one today. Keep reading on for more information!

What Is an Addiction?

What Are the Best Alcohol Treatment Centers in Ohio?Addiction is a term that describes a persistent or compulsive urge to participate or use substances. Addictions could be gambling or substance use disorders such as alcohol and drugs. For this guide, the focus will be on substance use disorders.

If you or a loved one has a substance use disorder, you may experience health, relationship, or work issues. It can interfere with daily tasks and limit your enjoyment of other activities. There are several reasons why a person could develop a substance use disorder, such as:

  • Genetics
  • Mental health illnesses (e.g., depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
  • Environmental
  • And more

It could also be multi-causal without a definitive known origin. The most commonly abused substances are:

Addiction is different from regular or risky use. It involves loss of control over using or stopping the substance and places the person at an increased risk for health, financial, or legal problems.

Ohio Addiction Treatment Centers for Drugs and Alcohol

An Ohio alcohol rehab or drug rehab is often necessary to combat substance use disorders. The benefit of an addiction treatment center is that you receive access to highly knowledgeable and trained individuals with vast experience with substance use disorders. Treatment can span from the detox phase to ongoing outpatient therapy.

Addiction treatment in Ohio often involves helping an individual through the withdrawal process (more on that below) and implementing safe and evidence-based practices to facilitate long-term abstinence. After the detox process, most patients continue with residential treatment programs.

These inpatient stays provide you with 24/7 assistance and ensure a safe environment for your recovery. You will also dive into treatments and therapies, such as:

  • Educational programs
  • Counseling
  • Group and individual therapy

Additionally, you can work with admission specialists regarding long-term plans, treatments, and other rehabilitation needs. On average, the detox phase is around two weeks long.

Ohio Drug Detox

One of the most commonly abused drugs is opioids. Opioids are medications used to treat pain but also contain psychoactive substances. Drugs like morphine, heroin, and oxytocin fall under this category.

Opioid withdrawals occur when a patient who has developed a dependency suddenly reduces opioid use. Several physical and mental symptoms can ensue within hours of stopping, such as:

  • Depressed mood
  • Goose flesh
  • Muscle pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Autonomic hyperactivity (e.g., tachycardia, tachypnea, hypertension)

These symptoms can increase various health risks, including relapse and further dependence or addiction to a substance. Drug detox programs provide close medical monitoring and options for medication-assisted treatments. Currently, methadone and buprenorphine are two widely used options for opioid use disorder management.

Ohio Alcohol Detox

Alcohol detox in OH also focuses on managing and reducing withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol Ohio detox works a bit differently than opioids since there are arguably more significant health risks with suddenly stopping alcohol consumption.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are often unpredictable in duration and severity. For these reasons, it is recommended you enroll in a detox program. Some of the common initial alcohol withdrawal symptoms are:

  • Tachycardia
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations

Detox in OH centers focuses on alleviating symptoms, monitoring vitals, and providing medication as needed. In some severe cases, alcohol withdrawal symptoms can progress to delirium tremens. Without medical assistance, it can result in cardiac arrest or death.

Delirium tremens is characterized by:

  • Confusion
  • Agitation
  • Seizures
  • High blood pressure
  • Tachycardia

A person must enroll in a detox program before limiting alcohol use. Withdrawal symptoms can begin within six hours in some instances.

Best Ohio Drug Rehab

How can you find the best detox in OH? Now that you know a little more about what to look for in detox and addiction treatment centers, you don’t want to risk proximity or convenience for you or a loved one’s recovery.

Detox programs are critical to helping you on the right path toward recovery. Mayflower Detox center is located in Massachusetts and is a 48-bed facility specializing in acute detox treatments for prescription medication, alcohol, and more.

Our center focuses on residential and clinical stabilization services to ensure a safe withdrawal process. Afterward, our skilled team can help you find qualified and reputable facilities and/or programs to continue your rehabilitation process.

Start Your Addiction Recovery Process

Detox for drugs in MA | Detox for alcohol in MA | Residential drug and alcohol detox in MA | Mayflower Recovery in Wilmington, MAOhio addiction treatment centers may be on your radar if you or a loved one is dealing with a substance use disorder. When it comes to emotional, mental, and physical health, you want highly reputable and skilled programs.

Mayflower Detox in Massachusetts can assist you in this process. Our program specializes in initial medical detoxing followed by a brief stay in residential programs. Don’t limit your choices to Ohio – find out more about how our program is the right choice for you.

Check out our admissions information for more guidance!

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