Where Can You Receive the Best Addiction Treatment in MA?

If you suspect that a loved one is struggling with heroin abuse and requires addiction treatment in MA, you need to get them the best addiction treatment possible. But how do you know whether they are struggling with substance abuse and not another psychological issue? It’s important to understand the origin and classification of heroin as an addictive substance, the symptoms of addiction, and where one can undergo a drug detox program in MA.

The Origins of Heroin

Heroin is an opioid. Opioids are a class of pain-relieving drugs that can come from plants such as the poppy plant. Someone can also make them synthetically in a laboratory. Heroin comes from the flowery part of the opium poppy. It can appear as a white or brown powder, but sometimes it can be packaged as a sticky tar-like substance. People mostly consume heroin through smoking, although it can also be injected into a vein, although this carries a high risk of overdose.

It’s a highly addictive substance because of how quickly one gets high after smoking or injecting it. The US declared heroin illegal as far back as 1924.

Symptoms of Heroin Abuse

If a loved one around you is struggling with heroin abuse, you may notice behavioral, physical, cognitive, and psychosocial symptoms. The symptoms do not all have to manifest simultaneously, but they are a signal that they may need addiction treatment or drug detox sessions. Getting early treatment for heroin use is important because of the inherent risks. Between 2018 and 2019,   14000 Americans died from heroin-related complications.

Behavioral Symptoms

The earliest signs that a person may be struggling with heroin abuse include the sudden neglect of personal chores and hygiene. If they are in school, you may notice a decline in their academic performance and participation in class and extra-curricular activities. In fact, they may start skipping school and start new secretive activities, as well as new friendships and places to spend leisure time.

Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms of a substance abuse problem may take longer and more keen attention to notice compared to behavioral ones. Once you notice behavioral problems, look out for physical symptoms such as slowed breathing, an unusually dry mouth, and flushed skin. You may also realize that the person is sleeping more often than usual, and their eating habits have changed.  Changed eating habits may trigger weight loss.

Over time, the person may become constantly lethargic, and start to experience tremors, impaired coordination, and slurred speech. These should be a cause for concern and you should find them a drug detox facility.

Cognitive Symptoms

A person suffering from a heroin abuse problem is likely to suffer impairment in their decision-making ability. They may not solve problems in the manner they used to, and their self-control is likely to decline. This will affect their performance at school or work, and it will affect the quality of their financial decisions. You may notice that they are disoriented and unable to focus on one specific thing.

Psychosocial Symptoms

The most common psychosocial symptoms of heroin abuse are irritability, unexplained mood swings, and outbursts. The person may also become overly paranoid, anxious, and depressed. When under the influence of heroin, a person may exhibit euphoria.

Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

The body builds up a tolerance to heroin because of prolonged use. This means that a person will need a higher dose to achieve the same high. Once the person suddenly stops using heroin, they are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms:

  • Chills
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle pain
  • Bone aches
  • Sleeplessness
  • Involuntary limb movements

Treatment for heroin-related Substance Abuse Disorder

Once a patient comes to our addiction treatment facility in MA, the medical team will work out the best possible treatment plan for them.

Medication-assisted treatment eases cravings for people who’ve stopped using heroin. The addiction treatment drugs work similarly to heroin by binding to receptor cells in the brain but without the accompanying health risks. The effects of the treatment drugs last longer than heroin would. Over time, the medicine blocks the brain’s opioid receptors so that taking heroin doesn’t result in the same high it normally would. The less enjoyable it is, the less likely the person is to relapse.

Part of the treatment involves cognitive-behavioral therapy to make patients more aware of their triggers. They learn how to deal with stressors so that they no longer need to result in substances.

Getting the Right Heroin Addiction Treatment in MA

Finding the right facility for a loved one in need of drug detox in MA significantly increases their chances of making a full recovery. A proper facility will work out the proper treatment plan to follow.

At Mayflower Detox and Residential Rehab in MA, the team of qualified staff conducts thorough physical, mental, and psychological tests on a patient during the intake. During the drug detox in MA, the medical team can anticipate heroin withdrawal symptoms and administer the correct treatment to make the process bearable. Withdrawal symptoms vary depending on a patient’s age, health, and the time they’ve used the substance.

Holistic Drug Addiction Treatment in MA

It’s important that persons undergoing drug addiction treatment in MA receive a holistic treatment and recovery plan. Mayflower Detox and Residential Rehab in MA delivers this by providing support services during and after patients complete the detox process.

Patients can always come in and talk to counselors at the facility. Counselors often help patients regain footing in society by rediscovering and making new commitments to passion, education, and work.

Patients may also need help to deal with long-term post-acute withdrawal symptoms. These include having trouble sleeping, disrupted focus, low energy, and anxiety. The Mayflower team remains as a support system to minimize the risk of relapsing. We help such patients through counseling sessions and treatment when deemed necessary.

Patient Intake at Mayflower Detox

To help a loved one get addiction treatment in MA, you can quickly reach out to Mayflower Detox at 978-409-4674. Our concierge intake support team will help you through the process, including organizing pickup logistics for people who cannot drive.

Contact Mayflower Recover Today

Recovering from drug addiction may seem like an impossible feat — it’s not. You can fully recover from this illness and lead a productive life when you get the proper treatment. And that’s where Mayflower Recover can help. We have a highly trained, experienced, and the compassionate team fully committed to helping those patients permanently recover from their drug addiction.

If you or a loved one is suffering from substance use disorder, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a consultation. We can thoroughly assess your condition and recommend the right treatment for you. Call us today! 

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