How Much Does Addiction Cost Employers in Massachusetts?

Over 21 million people in the United States have a substance abuse disorder. That is 6 percent of the population or 3 for every 50 people in the country. Even more alarming, only 11 percent of that 21 million are receiving the treatment they need to fight and beat their disorder.

This means that every day, as you go to work, you most likely encounter someone who is battling an addiction and not receiving treatment. A startling ripple effect occurs when a single individual suffers from a substance abuse disorder. Their problem does not affect just them, but rather it causes ripples in their lives that reach far into the community and their workplace.

By the time you’ve finished reading this article, you will understand the ripple effect of addiction and how addiction treatment in Massachusetts can stop the ripple effect.

General Cost of Substance Abuse In the Workplace

How Much Does Addiction Cost Employers in Massachusetts?Typical workers legitimately miss a few weeks a year for sick leave or personal days. Most businesses have these days built into their employees’ benefits package.

Workers with substance abuse problems, however, miss significantly more. Average workers miss about 15 days of work, whereas individuals with substance abuse problems average nearly five weeks a year of missed work.

This doesn’t mean the typical employee is at home getting high. They may be sick due to a compromised immune system caused by their substance addiction. They may have overslept or been hung over from a bender the night before.

Regardless, there’s a significant loss of productivity at companies where workers have substance abuse disorders. Furthermore, as those workers seek treatment, they will continue to miss work. So the solution also costs time and money for their employer.

That said, a successful drug rehab in Massachusetts and alcohol rehab in Massachusetts will yield a worker with more resolve than ever and the ability to focus on their tasks. An employer who supports their employees’ rehabilitation will have the pleasure of seeing an employee with a changed life and more dedication to their supportive employer than ever.

Cost of Job Turnover and Retraining in Massachusetts

Studies show that recruiting and training a new employee costs over $900. The cost varies depending on the education and training a worker receives. The less education and experience a new employee has, the more a company will have to spend on training that employee.

Plus, the company must absorb the typical mistakes that a new employee makes. Some of these are simple, while others can cost the company hundreds of dollars.

Thus when you have a workforce with a substance abuse problem, firing and rehiring isn’t always the cheapest solution either.

Healthcare Costs

Experts estimate that the United States spends over $600 billion every year on substance abuse costs. This cost reflects the healthcare costs for treating addiction and addiction-related problems.

Drug addiction treatment can reduce social and health costs. While detox center treatment does not come free, it dramatically reduces the healthcare costs caused by the current drug addiction epidemic. Drug detox treatment is even less than the cost of incarcerating an offender.How Much Does Addiction Cost Employers in Massachusetts?

For example, the average cost for a year of methadone maintenance treatment costs around $6,500 a year per patient. This is significantly less than the cost of 1 year of imprisonment, which costs around $14,000 to $70,000 depending on the state and facility.

How Substance Abuse Affects Employees

As stated earlier, on average, employees with a substance abuse disorder miss more work days than sober individuals. But the, substance abuse will affect other employees as well.

Other employees will have to pick up the slack for their missing co-workers. This leads to resentment and burnout, creating an unhealthy work culture. Eventually, even the sober employees will quit because they’re tired of taking care of the work that their missing co-workers should be doing.

Higher rates of substance abuse disorders exist commonly in organizations with male-dominated workforces like construction industries. Other businesses that offer easy access to alcohol also see higher rates. But in truth, you can find substance use disorders in every industry from education to manufacturing.

How Substance Abuse Affects Family and Dependents

Workplaces will also see problems if their employees have family members with substance abuse problems. These employees will most likely be facing financial issues and even legal consequences. They’ll have to miss work to care for their family member with substance abuse problems.

Even when employees come to work, they will be distracted by domestic concerns. Their productivity will suffer, and they will make mistakes because of the distraction. They may even have health problems because of the stress in their lives.

Businesses will have higher health care costs for those individuals with a dependent who has substance abuse problems. If the dependent is receiving healthcare through the company health insurance plan, the health care premiums will go up.

Addiction Treatment Solutions

Employers do not have to suffer needlessly. They have choices. They can either let their employees go or help them find the help they need and be a part of their recovery.

There are two basic types of addiction treatment solutions: residential and acute care.

Residential Clinical Detox

Detox for drugs in MA | Detox for alcohol in MA | Residential drug and alcohol detox in MA | Mayflower Recovery in Wilmington, MAA residential clinical detox center is a treatment center where someone with a substance abuse problem stays day and night. The treatment center will have a modern, safe, and comfortable environment so that individuals can detox and then address the issues that led to their problem in the first place.

A good treatment center will offer clinical interventions and treatment. They’ll teach coping skills and give their patients the tools they need to succeed once they’ve left.

ATS Detox Treatment

Detox for drugs in MA | Detox for alcohol in MA | Residential drug and alcohol detox in MA | Mayflower Recovery in Wilmington, MAATS or acute treatment services provide medically monitored detox is also a residential program but is specific to patients that enter detox treatment for the first time. A medical team offers a safe, comfortable experience so patients can find freedom from their addiction.

The detox team typically consists of psychiatrists, nurses, physicians, and other addiction professionals working with a case manager. The team monitors the patient 24 hours a day since withdrawal from specific drugs and alcohol can not only be dangerous but life-threatening.

Seek Addiction Treatment In Massachusetts

Those who seek luxury addiction treatment in Massachusetts will positively affect their family, community, employer, and fellow employees. Seeking proper drug rehab and alcohol rehab takes courage and strength. But the positives will reach beyond the addict.

Are you looking for quality addiction treatment in Massachusetts? If so, contact us. We have a state-of-the-art facility with convenient access for loved ones.

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